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/ The Ultimate Human Body 2.0 / Ultimate Human Body 2.0, The (1996)(Dorling Kindersley).iso / emg5 / setu000e.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-08-08  |  60KB  |  465x385  |  8-bit (195 colors)
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OCR: SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES "HESE TUBUL LES or tubes, are mature inside these tubules every tightly coiled inside the male second. They are then passed into testes. If they were uncoiled, they the epididy ymis. cordlike structure could be up 70 cm (28 inches) at the back 0 the testes, here the long Thousands sperm cells maturing process is completed Tubule wall Maturing sperm Immature sperm Thousand pleted